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Restart Grant Scheme Explained

Everything you need to know

Restart Grant Scheme Explained

The ‘Restart Grant Scheme’ is administered by Local Councils and is a NEW Grant to help businesses reopen due to the effects of Covid-19. Below I’ve listed all of the main questions with answers to help explain how this scheme works.

How Much can you get?

Non-essential retail businesses can claim up to £6,000 per premises.

Hospitality, Leisure, Pubs, Hotels, Personal Care an Gyms can claim up to £18,000 depending on your rateable value.

You are Eligible for the Grant if:

You are based in England and you occupy property on which you pay business rates (and you are the ratepayer).

You have been required to close because of the national lockdown from 5 January 2021 onwards, or between 5 November and 2 December 2020 (Note the ‘or’).

You have been unable to provide your usual in-person customer service from your premises.


You CANNOT get the Grant if:

You can continue to operate during the lockdown period because you do not depend on providing direct in-person services from your premises (for example Accountants…sorry guys.!!)

You have chosen to close, but have not been required to close as part of national restrictions

Your business is in administration, insolvent or has been struck off the Companies House register

You have exceeded the permitted subsidy limit

When Can I Apply for the Grant?

The Grant starts in April 2021 and is available up to June 2021.

How to apply for the Restart Grant Scheme

To apply for the Restart Grant scheme you must visit your local council’s website:

If you are Not Eligible for the Grant

If you are NOT eligible for the grant there are further grants available from the local authority as they have been given EXTRA millions to be distributed.

Not sure what these might be at the moment as no details given but be sure to check with your local authority if you are struggling.

*Correct at the time of writing

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