As one of the charity’s Trustees I have a strong commitment to this cause and appreciate anyone willing to help in anyway they can
Survivors of Abuse (S.O.B) is a Charity setup in order to run workshops for childabuse survivors to empower them to fulfil their potential. Our primary purpose is to empower adult victims/survivors to transform their lives holistically through mindset, nutrition and fitness. Focusing on adults who were effected as children by emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse or neglect, we run workshops in order to help survivors to take back control of their lives.
If you would like to donate to the charity then please DONATE HERE
To get a better insight into not only WHAT the charity does, I wanted you to see WHY and HOW the charity achieves its goals and helps survivors of abuse achieve their goals through a healthy mindset. The videos below were filmed at the Survivors of Abuse Conference in which a host of specialists discussed the methods used to tackle and overcome child abuse.