Are you an individual in need of developing your business skills and simply need a single day course of seminars, talks and development to gain that much needed knowledge?
‘Business Retreat Days’ are single-day courses which I run across the UK at different venues to help groups of indivuals who are looking to gain additional business skills and develop their knowledge-base in greater areas. There are so many business assets involved with my retreat days and I do tweak them slightly depending on sign-up preferences, but the core skills you’ll learn are:
• The Best Way to run Business Accounts and Save Money
• Develop New Market Strategies to Increase Business Growth
• Network with Like-Minded Individuals and ‘Do Business’
If you’re interested in a Mastermind group to help keep you on track then these retreat days are for you.
I always like to keep them quite personal. I’m a social person and love to have a good talk with everyone so I limit these retreat days to a maximum of 20 participants so that there’s enough people to create a nice atmosphere but not so many that you wont get individual time for questions etc.
So firstly I always like to go around the room and find out who everyone is, what their business is and what they’re looking to achieve from today. If there’s anything that pops up during these conversations that isn’t on today’s agenda then I’ll make a note of the request and ensure to allow time at the end to discuss this area.
We’ll then start to work through a couple of talks where I’ll discuss all key aspects involved with finding new markets to broaden your business potential, how to use digital/social media to attract new clientele and how to run a business infrastructure with time-management skills.
I then put on a nice spread so everyone has a slap up lunch together which is a great time to network with your fellow peers!
The afternoon is then when we move onto the more serious ‘behind the scenes’ business stuff and explore how to operate your business from a financial stand-point to make more money and then finish off with the best method of running your business accounts and daily bookkeeping to save money with the HMRC.
With my seminar-style talks all over I then like to open up the floor and have a ‘hot-seat’ section to allow everyone to discuss anything they want about their business with everyone in the room giving their individual feedback. This can be ANYTHING you want to talk about and I have had some fantastic results with this section where your peers come out with some great ideas and just gives the day a nice social atmosphere.
I’ll then finish the day with a round-up discussion on any topics that people have raised and wanted more info on and leave you all with a farewell package with lots of freebies and business goodies.
These ‘Power Days’ stimulate you into action as they are face-to-face with others who are there to help you with honest feedback and business ideas.
If you’re a start-up or fully-fledged company looking to take your business to that next level then my business development is the ideal solution. Using all of my strategic marketing, business audit and accounting skills I integrate new methods, new strategies & new ideas to progress your business.
If you’re in need of business funding and don’t know where to start then I will help advise on the best methods of funding and help with the completion of business finance applications. I also work in partnership with the funding company Capitalise who’s online system allows you to type in a few details and be provided with a comparison of finance offers from over 80 different UK lenders.
Accounting is one of the hardest parts of any business and not just the day-to-day running. My expertise lay in tax & management accounting meaning I have the skills required to save your company money by developing clever business accounting, careful tax planning and tax efficient profit extraction.
Much of my work involves the teaching of others which is why my skills transfer well into seminars and talks for a multitude of different events including accounting, business and marketing. So whether its a talk on running business accounts or seminar on business development, I am a competent public speaker and love passing on my knowledge to others.
If you’re an individual in need of any help regarding all aspects of your business then my one-to-one sessions are ideal where I hold consultancy and coaching sessions for all aspects of business. Whether it’s simply to write a new business plan, help with a new start-up company or develop an entirely new business structure.
Over the years I have had many written works published, from self-help books to business articles in magazines. More recently I write blog content for a number of different sites on a mixture of subjects from tax accounting to business matters or self development. Writing is something I enjoy greatly and am confident in my ability to articulate the written word.