Like most people, I was hugely effected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy and wanted to have a page dedicated to showing news and updates from the on-going investigation. I specifically called this page The Long Haul – why? Because we’re just in the beginning of this case, ‘Hillsbourough’ has just taken 30 years for the truth to come out, and I fear ‘Grenfell’ will take just as long, if not longer.
A friend of mine, Toyin Agbetu, runs a voluntary Facebook Page with constant updates and I have put a live feed to his page below for you to keep up to date. Please like and share the page so more of us can keep up to date with this tragic event.
Toyin is the founder of Ligali (pronounced lee-ga-lee) which is a Pan African Human Rights Organisation that challenges misrepresentation of African people, culture and history in the British media. Through this organisation and with dedicated volunteers he creates ongoing comprehensive reports on the Grenfell Tower developments, with a close eye on the media representation.
Below are just some of the issues I personally have with the ongoing investigation so far.
90% of the survivors are still unhoused & living with their families in a hotel room. Promises have been broken.
No REAL numbers of the deceased have yet been given – Notice how the media always says “at least 80”?
Large sums of money from donations & collections has miraculously gone ‘missing’!
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